The Yellow Leaves is a poetry series from Atlantean Publishing featuring mythos-themed poetry.
- Yellow Leaves 1 - DJ Tyrer - Yellow Dresses
- Yellow Leaves 2 - Neal Wilgus
- Yellow Leaves 3 - Cardinal Cox
- Yellow Leaves 4 - DS Davidson - A Terrible Things
- Yellow Leaves 5 - Don Webb
- Yellow Leaves 6 - Neal Wilgus - Yellow Dreams
- Yellow Leaves 7 - David Leverton - The Summoning Bell
- Yellow Leaves 8 - DJ Tyrer - A Butterfly In Carcosa
- Yellow Leaves 9 - DS Davidson - Dreams of Carcosa
- Yellow Leaves 10 - Allen Mackey - The Yhtill Tablet
- Yellow Leaves 11 - DJ Tyrer - Rock Opera
The poems Fall In Carcosa and Robert W. Chambers both reference actual yellow leaves in connection with the Mythos...
A sister series for poetry about the broader Cthulhu Mythos, Xothic Sathlattae, was launched in May 2013.